2023成都qt品茶自带海选 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)

西安桑拿 05-05 阅读:63 评论:0
2023成都qt品茶自带海选 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)

2023 成都中考英语听力材料

  • 第 1 段
    Good morning, everyone. I'm Ms. Li, your English teacher. Today, we're going to start our listening comprehension practice for the upcoming middle school entrance exam.
  • 第 2 段
    The listening comprehension section of the exam is divided into three parts. In the first part, you will hear a short conversation and be asked to answer questions about it.
  • 第 3 段
    In the second part, you will hear a longer passage and be asked to answer more detailed questions about it.
  • 第 4 段
    In the third part, you will hear a dialogue or a monologue and be asked to answerquestions about the speaker's intentions, opinions, or feelings.
  • 第 5 段
    For each part, you will have a few minutes to read the questions before you listen to the recording. You will then have two chances to listen to the recording.
  • 第 6 段
    As you listen, be sure to take notes. This will help you to remember the important information and answer the questions correctly.
  • 第 7 段
    After you have listened to the recording, you will have a few minutes to answer the questions. Be sure to write your answers clearly and concisely.
  • 第 8 段
    Listening comprehension is an important part of the middle school entrance exam. By practicing regularly, you can improve your listening skills and increase your chances of success on the exam.



对话 1男:你好,请问你是李老师吗?女:是的,我是。有什么事吗?男:我想报听力培训班。女:哦,好的。我们这里有两种培训班,一种是基础班,一种是提高班。男:我基础比较差,我想报基础班。女:好的,基础班的学费是 500 元,每周上课两次,每次两个小时。男:可以,我报名。问题:1. 男的找李老师有什么事?2. 培训班有哪两种?3. 男的报了哪种培训班?4. 基础班的学费是多少?5. 基础班一周上几次课,每次多长时间?


段落 1成都,四川省的省会,是一座历史悠久的城市。成都的历史可以追溯到公元前 300 年的秦朝。当时,秦朝在成都修建了
