2023成都中考物理真题及答案 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)

西安夜店 05-05 阅读:60 评论:0


  1. 下列说法中,正确的是( )
    1. 静止的物体可以具有动能
    2. 力的作用是对等的,总是相互作用的
    3. 2023成都中考物理真题及答案 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)
    4. 一个物体可能同时处于多个力平衡状态
    5. 牛顿第二定律不能说明静止的物体
  2. 下列欧姆定律的正确表达式是( )
    1. U=RI
    2. I=RU
    3. U=IR
    4. R=IU


  1. 简述力与加速度的关系。
  2. 解释磁铁为什么能吸引铁、钴、镍。
  3. 描述光的反射规律。


  1. 一物体质量为 2 kg,在水平面上的速度为 4 m/s。求该物体在水平面上的动能。
  2. 一电路中,已知电源电压为 12 V,电阻为 6 Ω,求通过该电路的电流。

Section A: 短对话

1. What is the weather like today?It's sunny and warm.

2. Where are you going this weekend?I'm going to thepark with my friends.

Section B: 长对话

Ann: Hi, Peter. What's up?

Peter: Hi, Ann. I'm studying for the English exam.

Ann: Oh, really? You're so smart.

Peter: Thanks. But I'm still not sure about some grammar points.

Ann: Don't worry. I can help you.

Section C: 独白

I have a dream. I dream of a world where every child has access to education, healthcare, and a safe home. I believe that all children deserve the chance to succeed in life, regardless of their race, religion, or socioeconomic status. I will work tirelessly to make this dream a reality.

