2023成都中考数学试卷 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)

西安娱乐 05-05 阅读:55 评论:0

第一部分 单选题

  1. 下列各数中,最大的数是()
    1. 0.5
    2. 0.65
    3. 0.55
    4. 0.6
  2. 下列图形中,是轴对称图形的是()
    1. 正方形
    2. 三角形
    3. 梯形
  3. 下列方程中,解为2的是()
    1. x + 4 = 5
    2. 2023成都中考数学试卷 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)
    3. 2x - 5 = 3
    4. x - 1 = 3
    5. 3x + 1 = 7
  4. 下列统计图中,反应平均值最大的是()

第二部分 填空题

  1. 2的平方根是______
  2. 一个圆的周长是2π,求这个圆的半径是多少______
  3. 解不等式:x - 3 < 5,得______
  4. 求出方程组:
    1. x + y = 5
    2. x - y = 1

第三部分 解答题

  1. 解方程:
    1. 2x + 5 = 11
  2. 求出下列几何图形的面积:
    1. 长为6cm,宽为4cm的长方形
    2. 半径为5cm的圆
  3. 一个班有50名学生,其中男生的人数是女生的1.2倍。求这个班的男生人数和女生人数。
  4. 如图,在半径为5cm的圆O中,过圆心O作直径AB,弦CD∥AB,CD的长为6cm。求阴影部分的面积。
Section As of learning English?Passage 2Good afternoon, everyone. I'm here today to talk to you about the importance of protecting our environment. As you know, our environment is facing many threats, such as pollution, climate change, and deforestation.Pollution is a major problem in our world today. It can come from many sources, such as cars, factories, and power plants. Pollution can damage our health and the health of our planet.Climate change is another serious threat to our environment. Climate change is causing the Earth's temperature to rise, which is leading to more extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.Deforestation is also a major problem. It is the clearing of forests for other uses, such as agriculture or development. Deforestation can lead to soil erosion, flooding, and habitat loss for animals.So, what can we do to protect our environment? There are many things we can do, such as reducing our pollution, conserving energy, and planting trees.Reducing our pollution is one of the most important things we can do. We can do
