2023成都中考英语听力 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)

西安休闲 05-05 阅读:67 评论:0


  1. What's the weather like in London today?
  2. Where did you go for yourlast vacation?
  3. What's your favorite subject in school?
  4. What do you usually do in your free time?
  5. What are your plans for the weekend?



  • A: Where are you going?
  • B: I'm going to the library.
  • A: What are you going to do there?
  • B: I'm going to borrow some books.
  1. Why is the boy going to the library?
  2. A: To borrow some books.
  3. B: To read some books.
  4. C: To return some books.



  • A: The earthquake happened in which country?
  • B: It happened in Turkey.
  • A: How many people were killed in the earthquake?
  • B: Over 15,000 people were killed.
  1. Where did the earthquake happen?
  2. A: In Turkey.
  3. B:In Syria.
  4. C: In both Turkey and Syria.



  • A: What's your favorite sport?
  • B: My favorite sport is basketball.
  • A: Why do you like basketball?
  • B: I like it because it's a team sport.
  1. The boy's favorite sport is ______________.
  2. He likes basketball because it's a ______________ sport.



  • A: What's the topic of the announcement?
  • B: It's about the school's English Day.
  • A: When is English Day?
  • B: It's on March 15th.
  1. What is the main purpose of the announcement?
  2. A: To announce the school's English Day.
  3. B: To invite students to participate in the English Day activities.
  4. C: To remind students about the school's English Day.



  • A: Who is the story about?
  • B: It's about a boy named Tom.
  • A: What happened to Tom?
  • B: He fell into a river.
  1. Who is the main character of the story?
  2. A: Tom.
  3. B: The boy.
  4. C: The girl.
2023成都中考英语听力 (2023成都中考英语听力材料)


  1. A: Sunny.
  2. A: To the beach.
  3. A: Math.
  4. A: Playing video games.
  5. A: Visiting my grandparents.
  6. A: To borrow some books.
  7. C: Both Turkey and Syria.
  8. A: Basketball.
  9. A: Team.
  10. A: To announce the school's English Day.
  11. A: Tom.
